About the Photographer

I am a serious professional amateur photographer.

As long as I can remember, I have always carried a camera, at all times, wherever I go.  You never know what wonderful photo opportunity will be waiting for you when you step out to get the mail or pick a flower or go shopping!

I have a Master’s in Linguistics from the Sorbonne – a priori, nothing to do with photography.  However, this led to starting a company teaching English in several French ministries, one of which had a dark room where I was introduced to the real magic of photos.  My enduring passion for photography started the first day in that dark room even though today I wouldn’t set foot into such a room; I love digital too much.

On this site and in my books you will find a few  “fine art” photos mixed into the vast majority of “documentary photos” – photos which reflect/document what I see as I go through life whether those photos be of architecture, people, water, flowers, etc.

Capturing the essence of places where I am and things I see is my goal as an avid photographer.  I never tire of analyzing my own and the photos of other photographers to learn how I might improve my work.  Apart from being totally involved in photography, I enjoy life with my husband who generously puts up with my consuming passion.




– ”Amicale des Photographes Indépendants de Paris” (AMPHOTIP)
– Port Ludlow Artists’ League (http://www.portludlowart.org)


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